The Spirit Upon

The Spirit Upon

#MyMorningMeditation #MorningMeditationSeries #MMM #MMS #Jeremiah12:5 #TheSpiritUpon

12th January 2023

This morning, I woke up with the words of the song of Nigerian gospel singer and songwriter, Gaise Baba titled “ELIJAH LEVEL.” Below is the introductory part of the lyric of the song that kept coming up in my sleep:

Esin mefa ko sare to (Six horses aren’t fast enough) When the Spirit is upon me.

In Jeremiah 12:5 NLT, scriptures say: “If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what will you do in the thickets near the Jordan?

Today, I want you dear friend to ask the LORD to cause His Spirit to come upon you. I have done the same in my quiet time spent with Abba too. Only by His Spirit can we successfully take on the year 2023 and all that is ahead of us. Many of us desire the so-called Elijah level depicted by the quoted song. We think we got game. We are all talk but our actions don’t back up our talk. For us, talk has become cheap. We noise how we can do things only to make excuses when the opportunity to actually do presents itself. Sometimes, a lack of priority and laziness is our undoing because we are not ready to put in the work and sometimes when we commit to putting in the work, we allow distractions to take us off course. There is nothing wrong with having high expectations, we however must be willing to put in the requisite work to get there and the Spirit of GOD upon us is one very dominant factor to us accomplishing the things we desire in and under GOD. 

To advance towards and overtake those who had gone ahead like Gaise Baba sang must be done on the wings of the Spirit. To close the gaps on the journey of life and experience all he depicted in the song, will be a function of the Spirit upon you and I and this we can only attain when we prioritize relationship and quality time with the Trinity. May you and I be helped to truly advance ON OUR INDIVIDUAL LANE by the help of the Spirit.

You can soak in the full song here at

Have a blessed day. I love and honour you.