Blessings beloved friend,

Welcome! Here is where we come to glean essential truths for purposeful living. Please be sure to drop your comments. Would love to read your thoughts and glean from your depth of wisdom on the subject at hand.

So I recently concluded an instruction and assignment given by the LORD. When the instruction came, it looked daunting, I was not confident of concluding it. I had been inundated in the past with lack of consistency. I had a record of always being fired up to start new projects and assignments but would run out of steam midway and it usually took a lot of struggle to get tasks completed. However with this one, I enjoyed unusual ease and encouragements from the LORD through the people who worked on the project with me and there were ample testimonies to the glory of GOD. I realized that truly, only GOD makes us to will and to do!

Hear this and be encouraged. GOD is too faithful to fail or not deliver on His promises to you. As you advance on your journey of purpose, no matter what bumps, challenges, detours and friction you may encounter, GOD is sure to bring you to that beautiful expected end you have seen, heard and envisioned.

GOD is the same yesterday, today and forever and He is not going to change when it comes to your matter. He is committed to your cause and case. He showed Himself faithful to the men of old and He is still faithful to all who call on and rely on Him in the present. Be encouraged, GOD is too faithful to fail and He is coming through for you. Keep trusting! Keep believing! Keep hoping and holding on to Him.

Your testimony is sure! You are blessed! I love and honour you.

This Post Has 88 Comments

  1. Opeyemi Adedoyin

    Thank you for this beautiful post..May you continue to be a light.

  2. Ngozi Sandra Chukwunwike

    Amen,Amen,Amen,Yes My God Is Too Faithful To Fail,He Is The Jehovah Over Do,The God That Answers Prayers,Ever Reliable, Dependable, Unchangeable, He Is The Agbanilagbatan.He Never Fails Nor Change.The Good Lord Continue To Strengthen And Engrace You Ma.Thanks and God Bless You ma.

  3. Priscilla Nzemeke

    God never lies. Forever faithful.
    Nice piece

  4. Fagebo FOLUSO

    God is too faithful to fail. I love Ana appreciate you, keep pressing on.

  5. Naomi Osegha-Ebose

    oh yes God is too faithful to fail. Most times we hold back due to fear. Fear of people. Fear of failure, unknown fear. Etc.
    There is no progress without action. If our feet does not touch the sea, it will never part.

    My Ernest prayer is that I continue to Cooperate with God’s available grace and do His bidding in order to fulfill the written scripts of my life. Playing out what God has written about me is very paramount for me. God help me in Jesus Name. Amen.
    God bless you ma. You are lifted. Keep soaring ma.

  6. Modupe

    Amen and Amen, yes God is too faitful to fail me, every task he has started in my life and family He will SURELY complete in Jesus name. Thanks for this word of encouragement. God bless

  7. Akinola omolara

    Amen .Yes !!!God is too faithful to fail…He will always come through no matter what.

  8. Adetoba Oluwafunke Adesikemi

    Amen Amen Amen
    Indeed God is too faithful to fail me,God bless you ma

  9. Franca Deigh

    Yes sis. God is too faithful to fail, his grace is sufficient for me now and forever IJN. Thanks a lot, God bless you always

  10. Truly, God never fails. When He gives out an assignment, He will also give out the grace to accomplish the task.

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  12. Hemalyn Ese Ebhuele

    What an inspiration! I can resonate with this because that has been my challenge too but thank God things are getting better. To Him alone be the glory.

  13. JerryBex

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    Не удержавшись от писательства, Амалия Кахана-Кармон создала одну из важнейших книг в истории Израиля.
    Иногда для поддержки экономики деньги «разбрасывают с вертолёта».
    Ливийский диктатор пытался спасти от казни премьер-министра Пакистана.


  14. JerryBex

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    Подруга и последовательница Льва Толстого уже в детстве ходила босиком и отвергала нарядную одежду.
    Российская учёная показала, что проект «Новой Москвы» 1923 года воспроизводил план трёхвековой давности.
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    Крейсер «Берик» на рейде в Девонпорте
    На идеологию национал-социализма оказали влияние русские эмигранты.

  15. JerryBex

    Знаете ли вы?
    По выбору Утёсова дорога на Берлин шла то через Минск, то через Киев.
    Водитель ледового комбайна стал звездой единственного матча НХЛ, в котором принял участие.
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    Не удержавшись от писательства, Амалия Кахана-Кармон создала одну из важнейших книг в истории Израиля.
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    Китайскую пустыню засадили лесами и открыли там фешенебельный курорт.
    Клирик-саксонец стать папой римским не захотел, а патриархом Севера не смог.
    Новый вид пауков-скакунов был назван по имени писателя в честь юбилея его самой известной книги о гусенице.


  21. JerryBex

    Знаете ли вы?
    Новый вид пауков-скакунов был назван по имени писателя в честь юбилея его самой известной книги о гусенице.
    Китайскую пустыню засадили лесами и открыли там фешенебельный курорт.
    Канадский солдат в одиночку освободил от немцев нидерландский город.
    Самцы косатки, обитающие в Британской Колумбии, всю жизнь живут с мамой.
    Английский крейсер ценой четырёх попаданий защитил конвой от немецкого рейдера.

  22. JerryBex

    Знаете ли вы?
    Бывший наркокурьер, став премьер-министром Юкона, принимал законы против наркомании и наркоторговли.
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    Бывший министр финансов удостоился высшей государственной награды за распространение знаний о психических расстройствах.
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