Offence- The Bait of Satan

Offence- The Bait of Satan

TEXT: Proverbs 19:11 ESV “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offence.”

Offence is a fence that keeps us from accessing the fullness of Abba’s provisions for us. An Offensive heart and spirit repulses good and positive vibes.

Some of us have irritable and resentful attitudes. For some, they take offence at the slightest things and read meanings into everything, they are overly sensitive and this is a repulsive attitude. We want to ask the LORD to rid us of an offensive spirit and all things that are not pleasing to Him that are a barrier to us enjoying the fullness of GOD’s provision and His relationship with us.

How unoffendable or the degree to which we quickly get offended is a measure or gauge of our spiritual maturity. When we can put our emotions in check, then we can say we have attained some emotional and spiritual maturity. The root of being offended is insecurity, fear, ptide, and lack of faith in GOD. Holding on to offence and unforgiveness is a misguided way of protecting ourselves, rather than allowing GOD to be our protector. Sometimes not reacting, doing nothing, is the best response to another’s attack. JESUS was the ultimate example of this.

Offence and being offended shortchanges us from GOD’s perfect course of action for us. In this year of Immense Blessings, do not allow offence to be the stumbling block between you and what Abba has prepared. Offence locks us into the corner of ineffectiveness and lack of joy!

Offence is a bait of Satan (I recommend reading the book THE BAIT OF SATAN BY JOHN BEVERE). It is one of the major ways he robs GOD’s children and that’s why we are asking the LORD to remove this trap from our path today. Anyone who finds himself/herself in this trap set by Satan can easily be subjected to anger, envy, resentment and criticism, amongst many other negatives-bringing division and ultimately leading to rebellion. This of course also robs one of joy and spiritual usefulness. So, we must learn to recognize the bait and not fall for it!

To be used by GOD, one of the areas He must break us is in being unoffendable. This will take many lessons but thank GOD the Holy Spirit doesn’t give up on us until we have learnt the lesson He is teaching us.

It is also important to point out that entertaining offence yields a harvest of frustration, anger, suspicion, ineffectiveness, and falling away (Matt.13:21). This is why many who have been useful and effective are no longer productive. I’m sure we each would have noticed that when we are offended, we find that we are not able to function as we ought to. We no longer have our creative juices flowing, our lives and usefulness are short-circuited- cut off! Research has also proven that offence also lies behind much sickness -mental and physical (James 5:16). When we are offended, our nervous system, our appetite, our sleep and entire well-being is affected. In fact, our entire system- Spirit, soul and body goes into a state of confusion and disarray.

What is the essence of this long litany? It is to show us that we do not need the baggage of offence in 2023! It is to ensure that whatever happens, we ask GOD for grace to let go of every offence opportunity that shows up. We must take a cue from Joseph and David. Of course our LORD JESUS is the perfect example of an unoffendable man while He walked the earth. We can learn from Him.

From now dearly beloved, allow GOD turn the pain of your offence into a gain of a rebounded life. Let me leave us with the scripture in Psalm 119:165 “Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.”

Remember nothing should make you stumble! Not even offence, no matter how justifiable!

See you at the 2pm corporate prayer session. (Note however that I will be embarking on a trip today. I hope to get to my destination by GOD’s grace before 2pm but just be on standby in case today’s session will be later than 2pm).

I love and honour you.