Slow Down Find Rest

Slow Down Find Rest

Saturday 21st January 2023
Slow Down Find Rest

Dear friend,

A beautifully blessed day to you and all yours in righteousness. Another working week has been successfully completed, glory to GOD! How was your week? I bet there were many things to be grateful for! Don’t forget to count and recount your blessings. Your gratitude cannot be left to chance!

My charge to you this weekend? Slow down and truly rest! Your Spirit, soul and body needs to recharge, refuel and recalibrate after all the hard work it had engaged in in the course of the week. As you unwind, find many instances of gratitude and you’ll find your soul singing in praise.

As you engage your weekend of rest, no accident or unforseen negativity will derail your plan of rest. Every instance or opportunity for something to go wrong is cancelled over your life, home, work and family in JESUS’ name Amen.

Enjoy a testimony-filled and well-rested weekend! I love and honour you!