A blessed day to all mums, dads and all those who are genuine cheerleaders of the girl child and female specie.

Here is an idea for us to ponder on: TEACH OR STUDY?

What are we teaching our female children through our words and conduct?

What are they studying and observing through our lives and examples?

As a parent, mentor, elder, teacher, grandparent, caregiver, etc, what kind of role are we playing in developing the young ladies around us? Do we take time out to teach them in the way of the LORD? Do we take time out to point them in the right direction or are we a stumbling block to their proper development in the tutelage of life?

One thing is sure! GOD will require answers from everyone of us in whom He has placed these His gifts be it in our parenting role, grandparenting role, mentoring role, teaching role, etc

In the book of Esther, (Esther 2:7) Mordecai arose and took on the role of parent and guardian to Esther when she lost her parents . He was not unconcerned about her fate even though Esther wasn’t his biological child and he gave his best to ensure she fulfilled destiny.


* That GOD will have our eyes of understanding opened to take up our roles in the life of the girl child around us whether they come from our loins or not.

* That GOD will have mercy on us and make us as parents/grandparents/caregiver/teacher, etc to have sound minds, give us the grace, energy and strategy to teach the young girls around us right with Godly perspectives and teachings.

* That GOD will help us beyond ourselves so that we do not fail Him in carrying out the task before us as parents, guardians and custodians of children.

* That our lives especially as parents will be a good book for our girls to read from and emulate.


Isaiah 54:13(NLT) says “I will teach your children and they will enjoy great peace.”

* pray that  the Spirit of GOD will rest on our young ones and GOD will make good His promise to teach them by Himself.

* pray that our girls will have teachable spirits like Esther had and they will not claim or prove to be wiser than they are but they will be willing to take Godly counsel and be bold.

* pray that they will enjoy GOD’s mercy and be preferred wherever they find themselves.

* pray that they will be confident in who they are and they will celebrate and appreciate the ‘self’ in them as opposed to wishing they were like someone else. Let us pray Hebrews 10:35a for each girl child in this light.

* pray that the LORD will give them  discerning spirit such that they will be able to rightly divide between right and wrong and having discerned aright, that they’ll go ahead to take the right decisions every time.

As we have declared in the LORD’s hearing today, may He do unto us and even more than we have asked of Him in JESUS’ name-Amen.

GOD bless and reward all our labours in the place of prayer and beyond-Amen! Beautiful day to everyone!