Willingness To Obey

Willingness To Obey


Blessings dear friend, it’s a most happy Sunday. Welcome to a new week.

Last week, Abba sent His Word and showed us that as His children, we are His emissaries on this earth. Emissaries are persons sent as diplomatic representatives on a special mission. Emissaries are diplomats and though diplomats enjoy many benefits and have immunity, they are on assignment to carry out their Principal State’s agenda, they have no personal agenda hence their sole purpose is to obey the command, wishes and convey the interest of the State or authority they represent.

Our key text in Psalm 51:12 NLT says: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.”

Child of GOD, this new week, receive a renewed vigour and zeal to carry on your representative duties in full obedience. May you and I walk in full obedience and allegiance to our Father whom we represent on the different mountains of influence He has placed us. This new week and beyond, no matter how difficult a stance or assignment may be, may you remain steadfast, immovable and always abounding in GOD’s good work that He has commissioned you to do, knowing that in the LORD, your labor is not in vain. May your obedience and mine be complete this week and beyond Amen.

Enter into the new week enabled for all things! Enjoy GOD’s presence and the fellowship of the brethren in His sanctuary.

I love and honour you.